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Afrofest 2021!


Get your tickets now!

Afrofest 2021 will take place on September 4th and 5th at Mooney’s Bay park. It will feature musical and artistic performances from African artists from all over the continent. Get your tickets for FREE today here.

Volunteers needed

Volunteers are needed to make Afrofest 2021 a success, to volunteer, please refer to this link or contact [email protected] or 613-402-1195

Be a vendor

To become a vendor at this event or for more information, visit 

NEW NCAO Facebook Marketplace


Buy and Sell!

Recently, the NCAO launched its own buy/sell community on Facebook. Members are able to sell items and buy other listings from the community by joining the group.

Join now

To join the marketplace, click here

For information on how to join and how to buy/sell items, refer to this video.

NCAO Inauguration 2021


A new executive board.

On July 18th, a new executive board was sworn in, with remarks from outgoing President Chuks Imahiabe, newly elected President Efe Omueti, and members from the community.

To watch the highlights from this event, click here. 

To see the new executive board, visit this link.

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